Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Kitchenara


Welcome to Kitchenara. Protecting your privacy is paramount to us. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and safeguard your information in compliance with regulations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Information Collection - Personal Information: Includes details you provide, like name, email, and payment info. - Usage Data: Automatically gathered details on your app use, device, and location. Use of Information - To enhance our services, complete transactions, and communicate with you about relevant offers. Sharing of Information - With third parties for service provision on our behalf, legal obligations, or business transfers. Your Rights - Access, update, or delete your personal data. Opt-out of promotional communications at any time. Data Security We employ stringent security measures to protect against unauthorized data access or breaches. Changes to This Policy Updates will be communicated through the app and by email, where applicable. Contact Us For inquiries related to this Privacy Policy, contact us at [contact informat